Candy Dispenser Design Brief Project
Project file here.
The Candy Company is celebrating its 50th year anniversary and would like to provide consumers with a candy dispenser that will house the four existing bite-size candies that they currently produce. They also want new shapes created for each candy.
Modeling an idea before making a final prototype gives designers the opportunity to make vital changes to the design of an object and improve upon its build, therefore reducing the number of overall prototypes needed to be made in order to settle on a final design.
While no one worked as a team on this individual assignment, one of the hardest things about collaborating in the past was deciding on an idea best suited to solve the problem at hand. After the implementation of the decision matrix, however, we learned it was a lot easier to make a tough decision then we once thought.
Besides a brochure, regardless of media expenses a social media presence is a must in today’s climate. Once fully prototyped and patented, a social media page on every platform can greatly aide in marketing my design to the target audience.